Sunday, December 14, 2008

Men's Accountability Group

I have been a member of a Men's Accountability group for a couple of months now.  We meet early in the morning for breakfast.  At first, I was a little bit apprehensive about joining the group.  Now, I can't imagine not being a member.

Along with the other men in the group, I am a father and a husband.  There are many challenges that men face, and we need the support and prayers of others in order to face those challenges.  That is what the group is all about.  We are Catholics and we are constantly challenging eachother to live out our faith.  Do we really believe in Christ and does our life and love reflect that belief?  Are we prayerful, like Christ called us to be?  Do we love our children, as Christ would have loved them?  Do we love our wife, as Christ loves the Church?  What are the areas that we need to work on, to be more like Christ?  Do you have any suggestions for me?  Maybe I have experienced something that you are going through, and I can share with you how I made it through.

If your life is anything like mine, you can easily admit that we are way too busy.  Too busy to spend time with God and too busy to grow in faith.  That is what a Men's Accountability group is all about.  We challenge each other to grow in our faith and express that faith through love (Galatians 5:6).

If you are a man, and you are interested in being challenged and growing in your faith, by all means, get involved in an Accountability Group.  Be open and share with your group your challenges and your short comings.  Tell them the areas in your life where you need prayer.  Help to raise eachother up to the level that Jesus Christ has called us to be (Matt 5:48).

Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said that the easiest way to get to heaven, is to take someone by the hand, and lead them there.

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